Selling To Your Friends

Selling To Your Friends

Have you ever sold something to a good friend? Did you feel that obligation to help them get the best deal? Did you guide and lead them to get the perfect product that fit their needs and budget? Why?  Why did you do that? Felt obligated? Fair thing to do? Wanted to...

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Don’t Make Me Beg To Buy?

Don’t Make Me Beg To Buy?

I recently had an experience where I almost had to beg a business to sell me a product. An incredible experience that I want to share with you. I recently moved to another state and was in the market to purchase a lawnmower since I had sold mine many years ago and I...

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Sorry I’m Late

Sorry I’m Late

This is what I think when I hear a salesman use this as an excuse for being late for a scheduled appointment..... SORRY, as in the salesperson is a sorry excuse for a professional. I'M, as in the salesperson thinks it's all about THEM. LATE, as in the salesperson...

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You Wasted My Time

You Wasted My Time

You Wasted My Time Have you ever heard this from a prospect? Have you ever thought this after leaving a prospect’s office or home? IF you have, you’re doing some things drastically wrong. Let’s start off with hearing this from your prospect’s point of view: Why didn’t...

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Tell, Don’t Sell

Tell, Don’t Sell

WHO wants to be SOLD something they don’t want or need? Nobody. NOT you. NOT Me. Then why would you even try to do that as a salesman? That would be either a rookie mistake or an intentional action by someone who is NOT treating their sales position as a Profession....

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The First 4 Minutes

The First 4 Minutes

The First Four Minutes. Show up early/on time for your appointment time. Big SMILE and mean it. Leave everything in your car except a folio or notepad and two pens. It is less intimidating and doesn’t look like you’re there to “sell them” something. Be calm and your...

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How To Cheat Your Prospect

How To Cheat Your Prospect

Are you selling a product or service you really don’t believe in? Is selling not something you want to be doing as a career? Do you not know everything about your product or service? Well, if you don’t believe in your product, hate your career choice, and don’t know...

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